Garnet Hill Cross Country Ski Center ski instructor Ivy guided a Morning Mountain Adventure Hike today to the Balm of Gilead. "The Balm" is a phenomenal hike accessable right from our property, featuring a rather strenuous elevation gain and the bridge from today's earlier post. At the top you are rewarded with one of the most spectacular views in the Adirondacks. Ivy lead the Schoenlank family from Philadelphia, PA to the top where they took in an incredible view under blue bird skies, and partook in a Garnet Hill tradition. After working hard to climb the mountain while observing various wildlife tracks and animals, they topped out and out came a backpack stove and pot. They quickly heated water and enjoyed hot chocolate while enjoying the spectacular views!
First (coyote) Tracks!
First (coyote) Tracks!

Composite view -- Balm Of Gilead overlook

The Schoenlank family of Philadelphia


Garnet Hill's beauty is much more than ski-deep. Although we are a Nordic ski center, we also have many trails and surprises for hikers and snowshoe trekkers alike. Morning Mountain Adventure Hikes will get you in the thick of things right out our front door, so check'em out when we do them. We'll have a Natural Light Night Hike this week, too, weather depending. Stay tuned here and in our ski report for more information.
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