Saturday, February 9, 2013

A Great Snow Season

Well, it's been an exciting time since the winter season got underway!  Our guests have been very pleased with all the changes and enhancements that Mindy and I have made and we're happy to have so many satisfied customers booking their return visit for next year.  The staff at the Lodge is working hard and doing a great job as the guests have complimented their attentiveness and helpfulness on numerous occasions.
The snow has been abundant and guests say the trails are in the best shape they've ever been, which is saying something.  Dale Montheny, our head groomer had been doing a great job as always, that is until he backed up his snowmobile and the grooming implement jack knifed and caught his foot.  He's going to be out for a few more weeks while the outer long bone in his foot heals.  But never fear, Mark Millington has been doing a fantastic job with the Pistonbully snow cat machine along with Mindy's Dad, Dennis and I who have been pressed into service to roll and groom the trails with the snowmobiles as well.

The view from the Log House on a cold snowy morning after the blizzard of 2013, though we only got about 12" inches of snow up here.

The snow is deep and fluffy.  That is before we groom it into nice packed and skiable trails.

Garnet Hill Lodge Ski Shop Video

Here comes Mark in the Piston Bully snow machine compacting the snow.

And there he goes

Yours Truly learning to ride a snowmobile and groom trails at the same time.  
All in a days work of course.

Mindy's Dad, Dennis with a roller out on Thirteenth Lake on a crisp cold Adirondack morning. 
 'Ya gotta luv it'.

The view down at Harvey's Tailings after a fresh blanket of snow